Purcell's setting of psalms
Purcell's text
13 Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth? O cleanse thou me from my secret faults.
14 Keep thy servant me from my secret faults.
Keep thy servant also from presumptuous sins, lest they get the dominion over me:
and so shall I be undefiled, and innocent from the great offence.
15 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be always acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalm 32
1 Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven and whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth no sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile.
3 For while I held my tongue, my bones consumed away through my daily complaining.
4 For thy hand is heavy upon me, and my moisture is like the drought in summer.
5 I will acknowledge my sin unto thee, and my unrighteousness have I not hid.
I said I will confess my sin unto thee, and so thou forgavest the wickedness of my sin.
6 For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer to thee in a time when thou mayest be found.
7 Thou are a place to hide me in, thou shalt preserve me from trouble,
thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.
10 Great plagues remain for the ungodly, but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord, mercy embraceth him on every side.
11 Be glad o ye righteous and rejoice in the Lord all ye that are true in heart. Halleluya.
Psalm 89
2 My song shall be alway of the lovingkindness of the Lord;
with my mouth will I ever be showing forth thy truth from one generation to another.
6 O Lord, the very heav'ns shall praise thy wondrous works,
and thy truth in the congregation of the saints.
7 For who is he among the clouds that shall be compar'd unto the Lord?
And what is he among the gods that shall be like unto the Lord?
8 God is very greatly to be fear'd in the council of the saints,
and to be had in reverence of all them that are round about him. Alleluia.
9 O Lord God of hosts, who is like unto thee? Thy truth, most mighty Lord, is on ev'ry side.
10 Thou rulest the raging of the sea; thou stillest the waves thereof when they arise.
14 Thou hast a might arm; strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat; mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Alleluia.
Psalm 99
1 The Lord is king, be the people never so impatient; he sitteth between the cherubims, be the earth never so unquiet.
2 The Lord is great in Sion, and high above all people.
3 They shall give thanks unto thy name, which is great, wonderful and holy.
5 "O magnify the Lord our God, and fall down before his foot stool, for he is holy!"
Purcell's text |
King James translation |