Transliteration English translation

1 Al mishkavi baleilot bikashti et she'ahavah nafsi; bikashtiv velo metsativ. 2 Akumah na va'asovevah va'ir bashvakim uvarhovot, avakash et she'ahavah nafshi; bikashtiv velo metsativ. 3 Metsa'uni hashomerim hasovevim ba'ir: et she'ahavah nafshi re'item? 4 Kimat she'avarti mehem ad shematsati et she'ahavah nafshi; ahaztiv velo arpenu ad shehavetiv el beit imi ve'el heder horati. 5 Hishbati etkem benot yerushalayim bitsva'ot o be'ailot hasadeh im ta'iru ve'im te'oreru et ha'ahavah ad shetehpats.

1 On my bed at night I sought my soul's love; I sought him but found him not. 2 "Let me rise & go around the city, in the streets & broad ways, & seek my soul's love." I sought him but found him not. 3 The watchmen that go around the city found me: "My soul's love -- have you seen him?" 4 Hardly had I passed from them when I found my soul's love; I held him & did not let him go until I brought him to my mother's house to the chamber of her that conceived me. 5 I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes & the hinds of the field, that you stir not up nor awake love until it please.

Who is this coming up from the wilderness...? English translation

6 Mi zot olah min hamidbar ketimerot ashan, mekuteret mor ulevonah mikol avkat rokhel? 7 Hineh mitato shelishlomoh shishim giborim saviv lah migiborei yisra'el. 8 Kulam ahuzei herev, melumdei milhamah; ish harbo al yerekho, mipahad baleilot. 9 Apiryon asah hamelekh shelomoh me'atsei halevanon. 10 Amudav asah khesef refidato zahav, merkavo argaman, tokho ratsuf ahavah mibenot yerushalayim. 11 Tsenah ur'enah benot tsiyon bamelekh Shelomoh ba'atarah she'itrah lo imo beyom hatunato uveyom simhat libo.

6 Who is this coming up from the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh & frankincense, with all the merchant's powders? 7 Lo, it is Solomon's litter, sixty mighty men around it, of the mighty men of Israel. 8 All of them are sword-handlers, learned in war; each with sword at his thigh, from fear by night. 9 King Solomon made himself a palanquin from the wood of Lebanon. 10 Its pillars he made silver, its ceiling gold, its seat purple, its inside inlaid with love from the daughters of Jerusalem. 11 Go forth & gaze, daughters of Zion, upon King Solomon, upon the crown his mother made for him on his wedding day, the day of his heart's joy.

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